Property Owners (Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid)

Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid

Flat Leasing

Flat LeasingHKCSS is the partner of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HS) under the Letting Scheme for Subsidised Sale Developments with Premium Unpaid (the “Scheme”). HS will issue a “Certificate of Participation – Organization” to HKCSS. Under the relevant terms and conditions, HKCSS can rent subsidised sale flats with premium unpaid (the “Flat”) from owners holding valid "Certificate of Participation - Owner" ("Owner Certificate") ("Owner Certificate Holder") for the purpose of HKCSS’s “Community Housing Movement”.

HKCSS will then permit valid holders of "Certificate of Participation - Tenant" ("Tenant Certificate") ("Tenant Certificate Holder") to use and occupy the said flats with premium unpaid under the terms and conditions of the Scheme. If the Flat belongs to Housing Authority (HA)’s subsidised sale flats, HKCSS must obtain the relevant “Nomination Certificate” issued by HA for the Flat before entering into tenancy agreement with the owner.

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Eligibility and Application of Owner and Tenant for Letting Scheme

Eligibility and Application of Owner and Tenant for Letting SchemeFor enquiries regarding eligibility and application details, please visit HS’s website ( or contact them at 8108-0678.

Please note: owners shall comply with the Buildings Ordinance and other laws and regulations in so far as related to the Flat. HS will evaluate/assess each application base on all related information (including but not limited to the results of land search). If there are issues that clarification is required, HS will seek further information from the owners.

Owners shall make the following declarations in the tenancy agreement:
The owner(s) hereby declare(s) and acknowledge that, when signing this agreement, to his/her/their best or reasonable knowledge:

  1. the Flat has not contravened the Buildings Ordinance or he/she/they did not receive or have knowledge of any notice, order or etc. issued by any related government authorities under the Buildings Ordinance; and
  2. the Flat has not contravened other ordinances.

Step-by-step Guide for Property Owner’s Participation Under CHM

Application and Submission
Step One Application and Submission
Owner Certificate Holders could apply by submitting application form or apply at CHM’s website ( submit relevant supporting documents, including a valid Owner Certificate. A confirmation email or letter will be sent out upon valid submission*
Site Visit and Negotiation
Step Two Site Visit and Negotiation

HKCSS will arrange preliminary site visit and conduct site inspection. HKCSS will then discuss with owners the relevant arrangements based on the information provided in the application^. The owners will be notified by email or phone about whether the condition of the flat complies the requirements@, and if necessary, HKCSS will draft a proposal to confirm the arrangement. In general, HKCSS will propose a rent of the Flat with reference to the number of household members which could be accommodated in the Flat and the affordability of low income families.

After the owners agree with the initial proposal, HKCSS will release details of the Flat to pre-qualified service operators (NGOs or social enterprises) and obtain her confirmation on the operation of the Flat. HKCSS then discusses the details of lease with the owners in order to draft a tenancy agreement. Upon the approval of the HKCSS management on the lease, HKCSS is going to sign the agreement with owners.

Subletting the Unit
Step Three Subletting the Unit
After the tenancy agreement is signed, the Flat will be examined by HKCSS and the service operator together. Then service operator takes over the Flat and arranges eligible tenants to move in #.

* Confirmation email or letter is only applicable to applicants who mail or submit the application by hand. Applicants submitting online application will receive an instant confirmation message once the application is successfully submitted.
^ During negotiation, owners may freely use or lease the Flat before any formal oral or written agreement is made between the parties. HKCSS shall not be held liable or responsible for any cost or loss (including but not limited to any rental loss) incurred by the owners arising from joining or intending to join the Scheme.
@ If the conditions of the flat are not tenable, owners are required to repair and renovate the Flat.
# Under the current operation of CHM, owners should not intervene flat allocation in any way after the Flat was leased to HKCSS. HKCSS and the service operator will manage the Flat (e.g. flat allocation, tenant recruitment, etc.) according to the current protocol.

Application form of property owner

If any property owners would like to take part in this Project, please fill out the below application form. (*All data collected is for application to this Project and communications purposes only)

Personal Information
Property Owner
Flat Information
Housing Type
If the housing type is "Subsidised Sale Flat with Premium Unpaid"
With Owner Certificate
Upload requirements
Sq. Ft.
No. of Staircase(s)
Vacancy Period
Suggested Tenancy Period
After month(s)
Suggested Rent
Suggested Rent Includes:

Please specify the amount of the above items:

Upload Photo And File
Include unit photos, power of attorney, property information, and rates and government rent notices (if applicable)
Upload requirements
Upload requirements
Upload requirements
Upload requirements

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) will handle all collected personal data (the “Data”) carefully. The Data provided in this form will be used for the sole operation of this Project only. Also as part of the operation of this Project, we may share the Data with third part-y(/-ies) such as the operating NGO(s). Persons who would like to request access to Data or correction of Data should submit all such requests in written format to the Project team at: Room 505, 5/F., Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

  • Basic criteria of the Flat: (a) No violation of Buildings Ordinance; (b) Available for a tenancy period of no less than 2 years.
  • Applicants who own a flat in the designated subsidised sale flats of HS or HA are required to apply for the Owner Certificate from HS and submit the valid certificate to HKCSS together with the application form.

Remarks: The above criteria are for reference only, which could be amended or modified any time without prior notice. For flats which fulfill the said criteria, HKCSS hereby reserve its right to make the final decision on whether to rent the flat based on actual needs.

  • Application information and forms are available at the lobby (G/F) of Duke of Windsor Social Service Building (Address: 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong), as well as at CHM’s website
  • Applicants could submit an online application at CHM’s website and upload relevant supporting documents and Authorization Letter (if applicable).
    Applicants will see an instant confirmation message once the application is successfully submitted. Applicants could also submit an application, together with relevant supporting documents and Authorization Letter (if applicable) by hand or by mail to CHM’s office.
  • Applications will be processed in the order in which they were received. For applicants who submit the application by hand or by mail, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address stated on the application form; or a confirmation letter will be sent to the correspondence address if an email address is unavailable. Applicants may contact us if no confirmation message is received two weeks after valid submission of application.
  • HKCSS will contact the applicants by phone, email or mail if the Flat is not accepted because of, i) incomplete or incorrectly filled application; ii) insufficient provision of supporting documents and authorization letter (if applicable); or iii) other reasons. The application procedure will then come to an end. All the submitted application forms and documents will not be returned and will be handled according to the above Personal Information Collection Statement. If applicants submit another application, it will be considered as a new application.
  • Under the current operation of CHM, owners have no right to intervene into the process and result of Flat allocation after the Flat is leased to HKCSS. HKCSS and the service operator will manage the Flat (e.g. flat allocation, tenant recruitment, etc.) according to the current protocol.
  • HKCSS has the final decision on all operation related issues such as application procedures, flat allocation, etc.